
International Consensus Meeting on SPINAL INFECTIONS

08.05.2025 um 08:00 Uhr - Istanbul, Türkei

Im Rahmen der nächsten ICM-Tagung vom 8. bis 10. Mai 2025 in Istanbul wird eine internationale Konsenskonferenz zum Thema „Wirbelsäuleninfektionen“ abgehalten.

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AOSpine Principles Webinar: The New AOSpine Thoracolumbar Classification System


Educational outcomes

On completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Review the history of classification systems for spinal fractures
  • Explain the morphological description, hierarchical system, neurological status, and patient-specific modifiers of the new AOSpine Thoracolumbar Classification System
  • Apply the classification to thoracolumbar fracture cases
  • Obtain a "simple and reproducible tool" for their daily clinical practice or research that can help them make the right treatment decision and recommendations for their patients with traumatic thoracolumbar spinal injuries



If you did not manage to join the live event or wish to view it again please be aware a recorded version is available for all AOSpine Members to view online.

You can always view past webinars Here.