
International Consensus Meeting on SPINAL INFECTIONS

08.05.2025 um 08:00 Uhr - Istanbul, Türkei

Im Rahmen der nächsten ICM-Tagung vom 8. bis 10. Mai 2025 in Istanbul wird eine internationale Konsenskonferenz zum Thema „Wirbelsäuleninfektionen“ abgehalten.

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Global Spine Diploma Program


Ort: Online

The course covers all aspects of adult and pediatric spinal deformities and includes the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA): making a diagnosis, formulate a treatment plan, expain treatment options, collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, perform an appropriate procedure when indicated, review patient progress, prevent or manage complications, participate in quality improvement activities.

The program was globally delvelope by the GSD progam commitee.
